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I feel almost redundant making a post about this. The novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, or whatever you’d like to call it is in the news worldwide. By now we’ve all heard the stories from China, Italy, Iran, and now that it’s in the United States and impacting day-to-day life, its effects can hardly be missed. When […]

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Natural Love

Natural living means more than eating clean, replacing harsh chemicals, getting rid of synthetic materials, and trying to do less harm to your little portion of the planet. Natural living means just that: Living naturally. To enjoy the full benefits of the lifestyle, you must change your life. Sure, you can buy organic. You can […]

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H + J = K

Well, she’s here. Our little bundle of happiness is two months old and the light of my life. After spending five weeks in prelabor, we finally induced on the Ides of March for an otherwise all-natural labor. It was the single most physically agonizing experience of my life. But, oh, it was so worth it. […]

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Week’s Vacation

For those who missed the announcement on the storefront, I took the last week off to spend some time with my fiancé, J, and recharge my batteries. We spent a large portion of the week on or around the water, which of course made me happy beyond measure. We also were in and around Charleston, […]

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