We’re heading into June and I want to share some pictures from our garden to give a little “almost summertime” update. K and I have been faithfully watering and harvesting green beans. They have perfect crunch when they’ve been boiled for a few minutes, but K enjoys eating them straight off the bush!

Our peas are fading due to the unseasonably warm weather, but not before we harvested enough for stirfry and pot pie. I will definitely be starting them earlier next year, on a mobile trellis that I can bring inside if needed.

Our ladybug friends take good care of the baby broccoli.

Broccoli is a new attempt and so far we’re having good luck! I’m sure it helps that we have so many insect friends who keep the nasties away.

Zucchini is my favorite summer veggie.

My go-to favorite summer vegetable is zucchini and for some reason I’ve always had wonderful harvests (maybe because I spend so much time whispering “groooow, my pretties!”). This year I have half a dozen plants as high as my waist, with leaves so big K can play “peek” with them. We’re working on harvesting the male flowers this year to pollinate the females and have several delicious-looking fruits almost ready to be picked. I cannot wait to enjoy the them: they’re great stir-fried, tossed on the grill, or lightly battered and fried a crispy golden brown. M particularly enjoys them pureed and gently seasoned, which is good since she doesn’t have enough teeth to enjoy the other recipes. Next year!

What are you planting this year? What do you have the best time growing? Is there something you’ve never tried growing but want to?

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