Goodness, it has been a while, hasn’t it? They say everything changes when you have a baby, but I never really comprehended the weight of that statement until I had my own. And now, I’m about to have another.

We will officially have another little one join the family in October or November. Little M will make me a mama to two little girls, something I find exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure. I never had a sister, so this will be brand new territory raising multiple daughters. And again, like after K was born, I’m left contemplating the world in which my girls will grow up, the opportunities that they will have, and the obligations I have to make sure they have a role model in their mama. I want them to grow up seeing me making the world a better place. I want them to know they don’t have to sacrifice the environment for the sake of their bottom line. It’s a daunting task until I consider all of the tools available to make it easier.

This isn’t the 1800s. For the most part in our country, it’s no longer expected of women to stay home and keep house. We’re able to get jobs and start companies and be entrepreneurs. In fact, it’s easier for me now, as a woman, to get a business loan than for J to apply for the same loan. There are even resources solely available to us based on our sex. We have no excuse not to be successful.

So let’s BE successful.

This isn’t a competition or a sexist rant. It’s a call to action for all the women who want to do something more, to create a business, but aren’t sure how or what to do. Ladies, there are SO MANY incredible resources, support groups, and opportunities to turn your passions into a way to support yourself and your family. Of course, groups vary based on location, but here are some of the places I’ve found that you can go for support in creating your own businesses.

A great starting point for small business wannabes is the Small Business Administration. It’s a government run program that helps entrepreneurs with every step of their startup. From business plans, to funding, to licenses, to taxes, they offer free advice and resources to make sure your business is successful (and legal)!

SCORE is a non-profit group of volunteer mentors. This group is a fantastic resource: every one of them have been in your position and established successful businesses. If you need one-on-one guidance, they’ve got a ton of ways to help out.

One of the things I also really love about SCORE is their educational material: blogs, videos, and courses you can watch any time. Check them out!

Happy building,

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