Updates from Arizona

Well, it’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? It never fails… you make plans and then everything goes awry. What I thought would be an easy move turned out to be much more complicated.

J and I spent almost five months searching for a place to live that fit our criteria (and budget) before we were finally able to move into our house Halloween weekend. Seriously, I had NO IDEA how competitive housing is here. Places we liked were literally snapped up in a day. We finally found a little house, but then came the business of shipping everything I left in storage back east.

We had hoped to spend our first Thanksgiving in our first place with his mom and sister, but alas… our dining set and almost all of our kitchenware didn’t arrive until the first week of December. Couple that with the holidays and all that was needed to legalize the business here in AZ, and here we are, in the middle of January. Just as well, since I have all of three months before our daughter arrives.

That’s right! Baby K will be born sometime in the beginning of spring, and I am beside myself that I’m about to become a mama. This has been the wildest, most hectic six months of my life. It’s been an insane whirlwind, but I have been tested and tempered in ways that I didn’t think possible and it’s made me so much better. It’s also given me a TON of inspiration… so be sure to check the shop over the next few weeks as baby stuff(!!) gets added.

I hope everyone had a wonderful round of holidays. Cheers and best wishes to you all.

Love always,

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