Things You Should Know About Me

If you’re here through my old website you probably have a fairly good idea who I am, but if you’re a newcomer I’d like to welcome you to my little corner of the internet. I’m Holly, owner of and lead designer at The Naturista. This blog is mainly here for updates to the shop, although I will be sharing things about food and fun and life in general. Before any of that though, there are some things you should know:

  1. I love to write. It’s been a passion of mine since I was a child and something I’ve tried to improve upon since.
  2. I am a notoriously unfaithful blogger. It’s not that I don’t enjoy it; it’s just very hard to blog with a paint brush, or pliers, or spatula in hand.
  3. I’m a consummate foodie. Part of this is the result of genes; part is due to being allergic to ingredients found in practically everything. To prevent starvation, I cook. A lot.
  4. I love to travel and I never stay in one place long. In fact, I haven’t lived anywhere for more than a year since I turned eighteen.

The last two things will probably bleed into blog posts more than anything else, so my apologies in advance if this turns into that kind of blog. That said, there isn’t much more natural than food and exploration. Hope you’ll stick around and enjoy the ride.

Love always,

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